Miss Margot's Spooky Treats

Fear and Loathing… Well… Just Fear. Fear in Metroid.

Metroid When you think back to your childhood, and the games you used to play, which games come to mind that may have induced some kind of real fear or adrenaline? - For me, we're going to have to ignore all the games like "Silent Hill" - we're going back to "Metroid". A Truly Haunting… Continue reading Fear and Loathing… Well… Just Fear. Fear in Metroid.

Miss Margot's Spooky Treats

Lunacy In Lavender Town! :O

Spooky Treat #2 - Prepare for Trouble! Make it Double! - Pokemon Green & Red "Wo oh oh oh oh oh! At the late night, double feature, picture show!" In today's, Spooky Treat, we'll be looking at not one, but two creepy stories relating to, Pokemon's famous Lavender Town; quiet, peaceful home of, Mr. Fuji?… Continue reading Lunacy In Lavender Town! :O

Miss Margot's Spooky Treats

WARNING! May Cause Unpleasant Side Effects…

Spooky Treat #1 Positively, Psycho-actively, Popular,  Polybius. Paranormal. Urban Legend. Conspiracy Theory. It's not too often I find myself indulging in any of the aforementioned subjects when it comes to the world of video games, however, some are just too good not to investigate; and no place better to begin, than with my personal favourite:… Continue reading WARNING! May Cause Unpleasant Side Effects…